Post by j r shermanPost by Will DockeryCrystal
Will says...
I do believe the poetry you are referring to would be considered
"parody" not "plagiarism"
"homage", ms. crystal, it's "homage".
for i enhance, enrich and make better all that i touch and notice.
no, really, i do. ask anyone who knows me.
love and kisses,
j r sherman
An "homage" wouldn't be trying to pass off the work of another man as your
own... copyrighted,
how was i passing off the work of another as my own?
Yeah. To pass off "the work of another," the "other" would actually
have had to have done some work, /and/ posted it in a
reasonably-public place, or one accessible to jr at a minimum.
Post by j r shermanPost by Will Dockeryand the whole works. Bill Orr's original poem was to be
buried, in your plans.
Oh, jr, jr, jr.
Your conspiracy to bury Mr. Orr has been /discovered/.
Post by j r shermanhow could i "bury" someone's posts in usenet, shit-writer? that's the joy of
newsgroups all posts are equal, at least in their ability to be seen by others.
people can pick and choose exactly what they wish to read and what they don't
wish to read, all are equal.
now if my poem was more funny and interesting than the shitty post orr made,
that does NOT mean i was trying to "bury" his post, it means that i am more
funny and interesting than orr! of course he is more than welcome to post
something even MORE funny and interesting than what i posted (yeah, when pigs
fly out of Edgar Allen Poe's ass he will!), because this is usenet, and an
unmoderated newsgroup, and anyone with access has just as equal a chance to post
and anyone else.
so, shit-writer, it's not POSSIBLE to bury something in usenet.
but why is the painfully obvious always so difficult for you to understand?
It's the old "Extending the Bottom of the Classification" Trick,
called academically "Adjusting the Curve," 99.
Mr. Dockery thinks that if he extends the bottom of the
classification, "PO-etry," or "work," or "interesting," to achieve
(by the force of his edict) "remembered," so as to include Mr. Orr,
that the extension will include the extender, Mr. Dockery.
It's the same technique by which political parasites attempt to
"establish" their own "Equal Rats" by "extending" the same to
Starving Children, Spotted Owls, lesser pin pines, lefthanded
field-mice, leucotoxic embryos, or one of the less-common flu
Unfortunately, Mr. Dockery does not even realise that he is so
far, even unspeakably, below any extension he could suffer
"another's work" that he will /never/ salvage the classification of
his own by this method.
chichi kinoko
nakute mo tsukamu
mizu-no tsuki